Technology Usability Lab in Privacy and Security

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IoT Awareness

The Internet of Things (IoT) has great potential for helping people in many aspects of their lives, however; it also has great potential to cause serious security and privacy issues. In this project we look at awareness around IoT, how people currently think about IoT devices, how to help them become better informed, and how to provide a better sense of control over the seemingly uncontrollable amount of data produced.

One of the first problems is understanding how IoT devices interact with the world around them, both in terms of how they communicate with the people who own them and how they interact with other computers both inside and outside their local networks. In an initial exploration of this space we investigated the unboxing of IoT devices and how to best capture all these aspects during a controlled unboxing of a new device [1]. Capturing all communications is actually surprisingly complex and requires recording from multiple angles including packet capture from several points, video capture of the human-visible components of the device, and capture of various aspects of the associated app, if any.

We have also started exploration of different ways to help people understand the types of network connections being formed between IoT devices and the Internet. As part of a series of student projects we put OpenVAS on a router and performed pcap capture of IoT devices. We are now exploring different ways to present the captured information to end users.


  1. Capturing the Connections: Unboxing Internet of Things Devices [bibtex]
    K. Vaniea, E. Tallyn, C. Speed; In arXiv. 2017.




Research and projects here are partially funded by the following groups:

Related Student Projects

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Alexa Bystander Privacy

Alejandra Amaro Patino (2022-2022, Internship)

Supervisors: Kami Vaniea, Nicole Meng

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Talk to Google Assistant about Privacy

Nurul Syakirah Binti Ahmad Ghazali (2020-2021, Undergraduate Thesis)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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Analysis of Network Traffic to Create an Educational Visualisation of the IoT Ecosystem

Anna Aloshine (2019-2020, Undergraduate Thesis)

Supervisors: Kami Vaniea, Nicole Meng

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Visualize IoT network traffic as a chat conversation

Luqi Li (2019-2020, Masters Thesis)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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Of Smart Speakers and Men - An Exploration of Privacy and Security Perceptions of Smart Speaker Users in Shared Spaces

Nicole Meng (2018-2019, Masters Thesis)

Supervisors: Kami Vaniea, Bettina Nissen

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Visualisation of networking connections traversing a single router

Nicholas Lynch (2017-2018, Undergraduate Thesis)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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Interactive physical visual aid to support active learning in understanding DDoS concepts

Willy Halim Dinata (2016-2017, Masters Thesis)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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IoT unboxing

Kaloyan Popstoyanov (2017-2017, Internship)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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Visualize router traffic

Constantinos Chrysostomou (2016-2016, Internship)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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A framework for an en masse network security evaluation and network flow analysis for the Internet of Things era

Nikolaos Tsirigotakis (2015-2016, Masters Thesis)

Supervisor: Kami Vaniea

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